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/ MacWorld 2000 January / Macworld (2000-01).dmg / Shareware World / Utilities / Text processing / Excalibur.sea / Excalibur / Excalibur.rsrc / PICT_129_About Box.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1999-10-11  |  71KB  |  424x213  |  8-bit (145 colors)
OCR: Version Rick Zaccont All Rights Reserved Excalibur Is Aree howvever 10u public domatn and we retaln the You may not charae ta redistribut this program except for donnload fees Vou may nor diarribure this program with a commerclal package without written parmisston trom the authors Please send Bng reports ta: zaccone@bucknell. edu Splast Screen bu Stephanie DiBello LRights Fxcalibur free however publlc tamain retain copyrtaht charge normal download permisslor bucknel Sulast